UK Muslims Call for a Political Jihad Against Imran Firasat
Imran Firasat asked me to publish his letter on Citizen Warrior, and I am glad to do it. Here it is:
Dear Editor,
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Imran Firasat, unafraid |
As you know, my petition was forwarded to the next level and is still in process, as it is being studied by the constitutional commission of the Spanish parliament. But the Muslims around the world feel offended and provoked once again, as they usually are. Today I have found an extremely ridiculous article on the website of a Muslim group/organization based in UK which calls “Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK”, calling for a new kind of Political Jihad against me and all those who oppose Islam. Here's a link to that article for the convenience of your readers:
In this article, the history of Spain has been described by the sad Muslims; how Spain was captured and governed by Muslims and how the Muslims lost the rule on Spain. This shows that the pain of losing the rule of Spain still exists in the hearts of Muslims.
Later in the article, the author says: “Today Muslims in Spain are under attack once again, this time not by Christians, but strangely by an ex-Muslim, Imran Firasat, who has lodged a formal petition to the Spanish government to ban the Quran.”
The author complains that I am an Islamophobe and that the Muslims didn´t take necessary actions against me which they should have taken. This Islamic group allowed to be based in UK also expresses its anger against the Spanish authorities who took my petition to ban the Quran to the next level.
They also compare themselves with Jews, and compare the Quran with the Torah, by saying that this same thing wouldn´t have happened if someone asked for the ban on the Torah. After expressing their anger against me and the Spanish authorities, this Muslim group leaves a clear message to the Muslims for embracing the way of Jihad through these words: “Learn from our history and defend your faith against anybody who attacks it, whilst you are still strong enough to do so”.
Then the Muslim author representing this Radical group invents a new way of Jihad which is to become a Political Muslim. Here let´s have a look at the exact words found on their site: “If you fail to become a political Muslim, then you have failed the religion of Islam, we need to stand up and defend ourselves and get politically active, before it’s too late. Let’s not weep tomorrow for something that we did not do today.”
My Conclusion
We will not let this creation of the devil (Islam) exist on our would-be peaceful earth. Islam has to be defeated. No matter how many kinds of Jihad you invent or how cunningly you try to pretend to be good, this world is not going to be fooled anymore by Islam, as Muhammad and his false creations have been exposed. Now it is just a matter of time until Islam becomes part of history.
Imran Firasat (Spain)
This is all very well. But how do you know this is not taqiyya.
He's right, Islam must be destroyed! I suggest everyone read John Daniels book, 'THE COMING: A TRUE STORY OF HORROR' @ amazon
Someone emailed this comment:
Then the Muslim author representing this Radical group invents a new way of Jihad which is to become a Political Muslim. Here let´s have a look at the exact words found on their site: “If you fail to become a political Muslim, then you have failed the religion of Islam, we need to stand up and defend ourselves and get politically active, before it’s too late. Let’s not weep tomorrow for something that we did not do today.”
precisely...islam is politics ,it is a political religion period.You cannot separate the politics from the religion therefore by its very nature islam is seditious and must be prosecuted to the fulllest of the law.
,” and to all those Muslims who think that this world is their property and they can rule anywhere and whenever they want.
indeed..this is one of the central doctrines of the whole world belongs to Allah ( kull alam malik ul allah ), and that muslims are the best of human kind and are the favorite of allah and therefore everything that is in the land of the infidel rightfully belongs to is why the scumbag Anjem Choudry while calling for the caliphate and raining invectives on the dhimmi british is at the same time living off welfare and the taxpayers of britains supporting his large brood of illegitimate children ( next generation of jihadists paid for by stupid gullible infidels )....AND NOT FEELING THE SLIGHTEST TWINGE OF SHAME OR CONSCIENCE since in his mind he is a devout muslim and the infidels are nothing but dirt according to his koran ( unbelievers are the worst of allahs creation.....treat them harshly ) and are slaves of muslims and should serve them and hand over to them what rightfully belongs to muslims.
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT POINT FOR CLUELESS POLITICIANS TO UNDERSTAND ! whereas many immigrants are grateful for being given the opportunity to immigrate to western countries / US....muslims immigrate to non muslim countries not out of gratitude but out of obedience to the trilogy of islam ie the doctrine of Hijrah ...they are muhajiroons and their prime directive is to be individual soldiers of Allah and to dominate the non muslim countries when they become numerically is a form of immigration Jiihad !. This is coupled with the idea of ' al futuhaat ' ( the opening ) ie opening the way for mass migration ( read : mass invasion ) of the dar ul harb ( land of the unbelievers ) to the mukmeens ( believers of islam). Islam deputizes individual muslims as footsoldiers of islam, ie. islam encourages vigilantism ....that is why criticizing islam is so dangerous because individual muslims can feel sanctioned and encouraged by doctrinal injunctions to kill apostates and blasphemers and they will be rewarded with many queerats (spiritual measures ) of spiritual merits which will bring them even closer to be admitted to jannah ( the bordello like paradise of allah )
And this is more from the same email:
Muslims are stuck in time, they constantly revel in their so called glory days of conquest, every muslim child is indoctrinated with the glory days of the 'al futuhaat' or the islamic conquests ...they prefer to call it the islamic 'openings' , ie opening of fresh lands via conquests .The muslims in spain still dream of Tariq ibn Ziyad who led the invasion of spain and stood near the large rock called Gibraltar ( which infidels do not know means in arabic the mountain of Tariq or Jabl Tariq جبل طارق which became corrupted into Jabr altariq ,then Jibraltar ,then Gibraltar !). English history books say : Tariq ib ziyad CONQUERED SPAIN. Islamic books say: Fataha Tariq ibn Ziyad al Isbaniyah فتح طارق بن زياد اسبانيا ( they do not say conquer , they say open up spain to the glories of islam...see how supremacist muslims are !). The foolish gullible spanish elites are allowing mass immigrations of muslims who are not grateful immigrants but soldiers of allah who still dream of the glory days of al andaloos and cordoba and are returning on mass to take over spain without even lifting a sword ! Population jihad and mass migration jihad will take care of what Tariq ibn ziyad could not do ! Let that be a warning to foolish and gullible american political elites !
P.S. for those history buffs or those just plain interested in the muslim mind-set and how they are obsessed with the idea of islamic conquests from the glory days of islam. ( make no mistake about it ..... this idea of 'al futuhaat' or islamic conquests or opening the world to the glory of islam is drummed into the heads of children and all muslims vigorously everyday everywhere in mosques all over the world ! islam is a very aggressive and warlike ideology , nothing to do with christian charity or buddhist compassion or hindu universality ).
( الفتوحات الإسلامية )
This is not taqiyya. This man really did create a petition to ban the Quran. Check it out:
No matter how many kinds of Jihad you invent or how cunningly you try to pretend to be good, this world is not going to be fooled anymore by Islam, as Muhammad and his false creations have been exposed.
With this quote in mind, please read this. It will give you much needed ammunition.
Imran Firasat is a hero.
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