
Lies, Lies, Beautiful Lies

We received the article below from Chris at the Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC), a group that mans an information booth every Saturday night to expose Islam for what it is to passersby (read more about it here). 

When Chris sent us the article, he added, "We had an interesting encounter on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica Saturday night. A pro-Islam group set up a table right between the Counter Jihad Coalition table and a table set up by a Christian street evangelist, Louis Lionheart. The people behind the table were not bearded or wearing thobes, as the Islamic dawa folks usually are. Their message was 'coexist,' but there was also an anti-Zionist spin to their materials as well. In an 'open mic' session I read several passages from Reliance of the Traveller to demonstrate that there is no equality in Islam. The moderator, 'Mecca Mona,' claimed that she had never heard of Reliance of the Traveller. End of conversation." 

Here is the article by Chris:

After bombing Pearl Harbor in 1941, Japan created “Tokyo Rose” to undermine American soldiers’ morale by giving them false information about the war effort. Now, after the Islamic terror attack on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, local Muslims have created their own charming “Mecca Mona” to provide shoppers on Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade false information about Islam.

Charming “Mecca Mona” set up her information table, complete with a handsome, muscular bodyguard wearing an Abercrombie and Fitch T-shirt and a bearded wali (guardian) stage-managing the whole operation from a safe distance right between the Counter Jihad Coalition table and the table set up by the Christian street evangelist, Louis Lionheart.

The problem is that most of her “information” was false or misleading, beginning with the headline. Islam wants Americans to be tolerant of Muslims, but Islam is the most intolerant religion in the world. In 1991, the Muslim Brotherhood developed a 10-Year Plan of action called “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the [Muslim Brotherhood] Group In North America” which stated that their mission for America was “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions.” In 1996, Omar Ahmad the founder of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations said, "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."

“Mecca Mona’s” poster makes a number of false statements about Islam, seven of which are listed below. We will take each statement from her poster (in bold below) and then show how those statements are contradicted usually by the Quran itself.

1. All are treated equally in Islam.

  • Men are superior to women – Surah 4:34 and Surah 2:228
  • Males inherit twice what women inherit – Surah 4:11
  • A male’s testimony is twice that of a woman – Surah 2:282
  • Unbelievers are the basest of creatures – Surah 8:56

2. Islam teaches acceptance and not intolerance.

  • “He that chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” - Surah 3:85
  • Followers of Muhammad are described as “ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” – Surah 48:29
  • The full quote of the Arabic text of Surah 109 on “Mecca Mona’s” poster “lakom deenakom wlya deen” is “I don’t worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I shall never worship what you worship, nor will you worship what I worship. You have your own religion, and I have mine.”

The context of the quotation above is important for understanding Islam’s intolerance:

According to Muslim chronicler Baihaki in “Proof of Prophecy,” Muhammad has been insulting the Gods of the Ancient Arabs in Mecca for years. His disciple, Amru ibn al-Aas, testified about the Quraysh leaders’ discussion about Muhammad one day: “Never have we had to tolerate from anyone what we have had to tolerate from this man. He slanders our fathers, criticizes our religions and divides our people, and blasphemes our gods. Such grievous things have we tolerated from this man…” The Prophet who was nearby and hearing this conversation, he responded, “Men of Quraysh! I will surely repay you for this with interest.” Finally, the elders of the Qurash decided to talk with him. In trying to prevent Muhammad’s insults, the Quraysh sat with him in their sacred shrine of Ka’ba in 615 and requested him to desist from reviling and speaking evilly of their Gods. They offered to worship his God for one year, if Muhammad would reciprocate by worshipping theirs for the same period. Can you imagine something more tolerant than this offer? And what did Muhammad answer? In rejection, he responded with Surah 109, quoted above. And he went on slandering the gods worshipped by other people until one day the Quraysh got sick of this and decided to arrest and judge him. When he learned about this, he fled from Mecca to Medina.

3. Islam is an Abrahamic religion, same as Judaism and Christianity.

  • Muslims are commanded not to take Jews or Christians as friends – Surah 5:51
  • The Koran claims that Jews are descendants of apes and swine -- Surah 2:65 and 5:60
  • The Koran denies the three principal tenants of Christianity – that Jesus was the son of God (Surah 19:35), that Jesus was Crucified (Surah 4:157), that Jesus was resurrected (Surah 4:158).
  • The one aspect of Abraham that Islam rejects was his forgiving his father for not being a Muslim. -- Surah 60:4

4. One’s belief in Islam is incomplete without the Torah, Bible, and Quran.

  • Possessing a Bible is forbidden in the following countries according to Gideon’s International: Afghanistan, Algeria, China (People's Republic), Comoros, Djibouti, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen. All but two countries on the list are Muslim majority countries. Saudi Arabia has imposed the death penalty on anyone importing Bibles.

5. Islam upholds the utmost respect for women.

  • Muslim men are commanded to beat their wives – Surah 4:34
  • Muslim men may marry up to four wives – Surah 4:3
  • Muslim men may marry prepubescent girls – implied by Surah 65:4
  • “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” – Surah 2:223

6. Some of the world’s most significant scientists and doctors that molded our understanding of matters till this day were Muslims.

  • The Koran says the sun sets in a pool of black mud – Surah 18:84
  • The Koran implies that babies are formed from a clot of blood – Surahs 23:12 and 75:38
  • The Muslim lunar calendar is 11 days short of an actual year, and using a solar calendar is a “grossly impious practice in which the unbelievers are misguided.” -- Surah 9:37
  • Eight hundred Nobel Prizes have been awarded to individuals since 1895. Muslims, who represent 23 percent of the world’s population, have been awarded only 1.4 percent of the awards.

7. Muhammad was ranked in 1992 by Michael Hart as the most influential person in history.

  • The ranking said nothing about Muhammad’s character, as other high-ranking historical figures were Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin
  • In 2013, Time Magazine ranked Jesus as the most significant figure in history. Other web surveys with Jesus ranked #1 include Listabuzz, thetoptens, and ranker.

A handout offered by “Mecca Mona” claims that the Islamic faith has been unfairly stigmatized by the extremely polarized media. “[T]he actions of certain extremist individuals taken out of context do not reflect upon the beliefs and ethical views of a nation.” Apparently, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic State don’t represent Islam in her view. She urges people to refer to original primary sources. A handy source for the Quran is: https://puneymir.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/pdf147.pdf

We also urge people to read the Quran for themselves and confirm that “Mecca Mona’s” entire presentation is made up of lies, lies, beautiful lies.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Although I read have books comparing Christianity and Islam, one cannot even to begin to understand the preoccupation with sexual pleasures and deviancy of Muhammad and his followers until one reads the Koran. Sensuality of all forms is the central theme of reward. It seems when they get to "paradise" that there will be gluttony, drunkenness and any type of sexual pleasure they desire. There appears to be no purpose or service for the glory of God. It ends there for them. It will be an eternity of unholy self-indulgence. If I was Satan and I wanted to destroy righteousness and God's people this what I would promise too.

    Remember Satan is the great liar as is his follower Muhammad and both knows Man's weaknesses.


  2. Walter Sieruk10:25 AM

    On the above article it does make mention of September 11, 2001. As that cruel,brutal and murderous jihad attack that was carried out by jihadists who were operatives of the Islamic terror entity Al Qaeda. After this jihad attack there were many Muslim propagandist and apologists for Islam in America who tries to cover up ,as in to hide the reality of the truth that the vicious and deadly terrorist attacks on 9/11 by making the claim that those terrorists of that day "weren't real Muslim and they just hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam for politics." This smokescreen of disinformation about the actual violent nature of Islam is an outright falsehood. As an example of the real and deadly teaching of the "holy book" of Islam, the Koran, is in 47:4. Which instructs "Whenever you encounter the unbelievers strike off their heads until you make a great slaughter among them..." Lets face it, using jet aircraft's as missiles as the Muslim who engaged in the jihad on 9/11 can sure make a greater "slaughter among them" then a sword can.

  3. Walter Sieruk11:10 AM

    The claim made by the apologists for Islam that "Islam holds the utmost respect for women" is a outright lie and blatant falsehood of a statement. For the "holy book" of Islam as well as other authorized written works of Islam degrades and puts females, both girls and women,at little to no worth or value. Likewise,by the many brutal, cruel and ruthless behavior towards females as a result of those Muslim males believing in the teachings of Islam further exposes that Islam is a religion of terrible and extremely awful misogyny. Brigitte Gabriel who is the author and founder and head of actforamerica.org was right on the mark when she had written in her book THEY MUST BE STOPPED on pages 171,172 that The shocking reality is that most Muslim,men, including those educated in the West,have no objection to honor killings and the degradation of women in their countries. Across the Muslim world, even in moderate Islamic countries, women's rights are almost nonexistent... Women in Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt." Indeed, they must be stopped !

  4. Fred Alexander8:03 AM

    Does the Koran call for violence against non-believers?
    Dr. Tina Magaard — a Sorbonne-trained linguist specializing in textual anal¬ysis — published detailed research findings in 2005 (summarized in 2007) com¬paring the foundational texts of ten major religions. Magaard con¬cluded from her hard data-driven analyses:
    The texts in Islam distinguish themselves from the texts of other religions by encouraging violence and aggression against people with other religious beliefs to a larger degree. There are also straightforward calls for terror. This has long been a taboo in the research into Islam, but it is a fact that we need to deal with.
    There are 36 references in the Koran to expressions derived from the root qa-ta-la, which indicates fighting, killing or being killed. There are more than 50 references to actual armed struggle in the Koran, and even more in the Hadith (Mohammed’s traditions.)
    One of the biggest fundamental principles of Islam is the Kafir, the non-Muslim. No matter how the Sharia (laws to live by) changes, Kafirs are still the same Allah-cursed creature that Mohammed annihilated whenever possible.
