
Religious Freedom? Or Oppression in the Name of Tolerance?

A reporter working for a newspaper in Sweden posed as a Muslim mother of a preschool-aged girl and called forty schools asking if the teachers would help make sure her daughter wore her headscarf at school. Two thirds of them said yes, and some even offered to take videos of the girl for proof of compliance.

A writer for a Swedish newspaper was rightfully outraged by this and made a very good argument against such compliance. The national curriculum for Sweden says that all preschools must be guided by the principles of "individual freedom, integrity, and gender equality." The author wondered if making a girl wear a headscarf violates those principles since it is not merely a garment, but a "symbol of women's submission to men."

The writer insisted that Sweden needs to have a national conversation about "where the limits of religious freedom lie."

And this, I thought, was the Swedish writer's pithiest statement: We can't allow "oppression in the name of tolerance."

Absolutely. This is now a top issue in every free country, being forced to the top by the immigration of so many Muslims. Dealing with this issue, or even bringing it up, has been labeled "xenophobia." But it isn't foreigners in general, but followers of Islamic doctrine that are forcing us to resolve an important ethical conflict. The sooner we resolve it, the better.

You can read the article in The Week Magazine here: Stop Forcing Young Girls to Wear Veils.


  1. Walter Sieruk10:03 AM

    One of the reasons that so many of the Muslim parents who live in the nation of Sweden as well as the other countries of Europe feel that the wearing of Islam garments is so important is because this is a a small part of the whole Muslim scheme of of little by little , by hook or by crook, gaining power for Islam in then nations of Europe.
    This is what is known as the Stealth jihad otherwise called the Muslim method of Islamic Gradualism to enact Sharia law in America. In contrast to the way of the violent jihad or also called the militant jihad .This non-violent form of the jihad for Islam is a very sly, insidious, subtle and deceptive way of working for the advancement of Islam.
    This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to opposes you”

  2. Islam will continue its conquest of western democracies, including America and Canada, unless Islamic immigration is banned. Muslims are resolute and we are clueless. Today, at my beach in rural Ontario, fully 20% of the women were wearing those hideous head scarfs in 90 degree weather.
