
What Does Charm Tell You About Someone's Beliefs?

Have you ever met a politician in person? I have met many, and their level of charm is impressive. They are very likeable people in person. And it doesn't matter what side of the aisle they're on. They are equally charming. Their smiles are warm. Their handshakes are friendly. They look you in the eye and call you by name. They appear to be very interested in you. It's like they all went to the same charm school.

Maybe they've all read How to Win Friends and Influence People and applied everything in the book. Or maybe anybody who is paying attention could learn how to establish a friendly connection with others on their own.

But the point here is that liberal, conservative, or independent, someone's degree of niceness doesn't tell you what they believe or what they intend to do.

The reason I'm bringing this up is that many people will respond to your criticism of Islam with, "But I know several Muslims, and they are very nice people," as if the existence of nice Muslims means that Islamic doctrine couldn't possibly command intolerance or violence against non-Muslims. But that's ridiculous. Niceness and charm tell you nothing at all about the ideology someone subscribes to.

Make this point in your conversations, and make it clearly. Let's get this objection out of the way and get back to a real conversation about Islam.

Citizen Warrior is the author of the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam and also writes for Inquiry Into Islam, History is Fascinating, and Foundation for Coexistence. Subscribe to Citizen Warrior updates here. You can send an email to CW here


  1. Con artist and sociopaths have a superficial charm. It's the smile that gives it away. It's a little to big and the muscles of the cheeks look strained.Their voices are tooo sweet.

    Harry Truman said of Richard Nixon:" His smile and the rest ko his face are never in the same place at the same time".Like the guy in the picture above.

  2. I'm sure there were "nice" Nazis also. Many serial killers are "nice" too.

  3. Walter Sieruk1:27 AM

    Charm alone, it should be remembered ,actually means nothing at all. For example con-men really know how "put on" the"charm" It's all part of the scamming technique.

    The same game of charm may also apply to and is used by religious deceivers

    Jesus had even warn about the use of "Charm" without using that specific word. Instead , he used the phrase "wolves in sheep's clothing." Matthew 7:15 to describe religious deceivers.

    Let the wise beware of the disingenuous people who use the tool of "charm."

  4. The nicest Muslims are those who don't practice their religion. Islam has been a religion of Jihad (holy war) since its beginnings.

  5. Walter Sieruk10:27 AM

    Now, the ISIS jihadists have rather new “Charming” sly way of recruiting and exploiting young women for the jihad for Islam. Therefore, it might be that this “new sly way” swayed that young Muslim female Shamima Begum, who lived in England the embark on a fools quest to travel to Syria to join ISIS. It seems that ,while with the ISIS jihadists, she might have had , and that is “might”, have has a reality check in Syria by first observation of the Islamic “state ” as then understood that ISIS is totally evil and dangerous .

    Now she has said that at that time she traveled to Syria to join ISIS , she was 15 years old and said the she was young and naïve.” Well that might has been so .Foe example , a number of young naïve and impressionable girls of and in the West had been duped, beguiled and deceived by the enticement of the ISIS propaganda machine on internet. For it gave the false offer to those young gullible girls who were willing and able to leave the West and travel to the lands controlled by ISIS “a grand place to live that gives meaning to life.” Those girls who are taken by the lying words of ISIS and travel to ISIS controlled lands Do soon have a very harsh reality check when they discover, to their horror, that all the promises made by ISIS were bogus. In other words all the promise of ISIS are nothing but total falsehood and lies. The deceitful and lying wolfs of ISIS do awful and terrible harms to those girls they deceive, beguile and betray.

    Therefore, the old poem of wisdom should be repeated.

    “Little girls, this seems to say, Never stop upon you way. Never trust a stranger –friend; No one knows how it will end. As your pretty, so be wise; Wolves may lurk in every guise. Handsome they may be, and kind, gay, or charming never mind ! Now , as then , ‘tis simple truth- the sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth !”
