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If this intrusion into your privacy bothers you, The Wire has published a simple solution that only takes a few minutes. And it doesn't cost anything. All you have to do is click here. That will take you to a website that automatically scans your browser to see what companies have loaded tracking cookies on it (so you'll have to do this with each browser if you use more than one).

When it's done scanning (it takes a couple of minutes) you can click the big button you will see near the bottom of the page, and it will clear all of those tracking cookies from your browser. Or you can choose cookies to remove individually if you prefer.

When you're done, you will see a link to an add-on (in Firefox) or an app (in Chrome) you can add to your browser to prevent these tracking cookies from being loaded into your browser in the future.

You're welcome.


Awakening People on the 3rd Street Promenade


The Counter Jihad Coalition of Southern California will be up on 3rd St. Promenade again tonight. If you don't remember them, click here to read about what they do on Saturday nights in Santa Monica. This is one of the most courageous and original approaches to educating our fellow non-Muslims about orthodox Islam we've ever seen.

Ramadan starts today, so they're expecting "lots of activity." This image is from their newest brochure which they'll hand out tonight along with their other brochures. The outside of the tri-fold brochure, “Islam’s World Cup of Jihad” will also be enlarged and hanging from the front of their booth. If you're in the area, stop by and show your support. And think about the possibility of doing something similar yourself, wherever you live.

The most important first task we have is educating people. Let the Counter Jihad Coalition of Southern California be an inspiration to all of us.

Watch an interview with Steve Amundson, the founder of the Counter Jihad Coalition:


Just One Thing: Education About Islam

We don't need to concentrate on anything else until this first thing is done: educate the people, get better at educating the people, and give them practical things to do with their motivation once they are educated.

We have a list you can use to help you (a list of actions ordinary citizens can take to help marginalize, discredit, and disempower orthodox Islam) at For example, you can encourage your friends and family (or anyone you meet) to sign a petition, and while you're explaining why it's a good idea, they will be learning about the disturbing nature of orthodox Islam.

We have many decisions to be made and new policies to instigate. We need to change immigration policies, policies to stop madrassas from teaching hatred, policies to stop building mosques and preaching hatred in them, policies to eject orthodox Muslims from government positions, policies about how Islam is taught in schools and who approves those teachings, policies about who is allowed to be a "chaplain" in prisons (many orthodox Muslims have converted prisoners — it is a hotspot of new recruits), and so on.

None of these new policies can come about until there is a public will to protect ourselves, and that public will cannot come about until a lot more people are educated. It needs to happen and it needs to happen now. Start here: The Least You Need To Know.

And for more advanced coaching, go straight here: Tools to Help You Educate Your Fellow Non-Muslims About Islam.


The Conditions Of Omar


Greg Hamilton came up with another brilliant idea (to see more of his ideas, subscribe to Malsi-Tung). Hamilton lives in a very Muslim area in Britain and he rides the train a lot. He wanted a way to educate his fellow non-Muslims about Islam without endangering his life. His solution is ingenious: To simply wear a button that says, "Enjoy the conditions of Omar." It is such an innocent message, and somewhat ambiguous. Certainly nothing to get riled up about, even for a Muslim.

Of course, most people won't know what it means. But most people can Google it, and the curious will. What they'll find is eye-opening.

Ideally, they will find the web site Hamilton has created. If enough counterjihad sites link to it, like I am about to do, his site will rise to the top spot on a Google search for "conditions of Omar." His site is here. And this is what it says:

Dear Reader,

The Pact of Omar was a treaty drawn up between Muhammad’s successor Caliph Omar and the conquered Christians and Jews in his domain. The Pact was based on Muhammad’s treatment of conquered people. It set out the rules Christians and Jews had to abide by in order to be protected from further jihad attacks. This pact formed the basis of the Conditions of Omar.

Verse 9:29 of the Koran sets out the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. It says,

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture — [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

In Islamic parlance “People of the Book” refers to Christians and Jews — they have a book (other religions at the time didn’t have a book). Under conquest they had a third choice other than conversion to Islam or death; this was to live under Sharia as inferior people suffering various humiliations, one of which was the jizyah, a tax levied only on non-Muslims. The non-Muslims are known as dhimmis (pronounced dimmees).

The relationship that the Conditions set up has the following characteristics:

  • Jihad violence is held off (like a dragon on a chain) as long as the dhimmis do not breach the Conditions
  • If the Conditions are breached (even by one dhimmi) the jihad violence is resumed against any or all of the dhimmi community
  • Dhimmis therefore lived in a state of permanent vulnerability and fear. Each dhimmi and the dhimmi community as a whole faced a perpetual concern lest anyone breached the Conditions and brought about catastrophe
Other than paying the non-Muslim poll tax or jizyah what conditions had to be kept?

Dhimmis were forbidden from:
  • Criticizing or mocking Islam or Muhammad. Only praise for Islam and Muhammad was allowed
  • Criticizing the Conditions of Omar: the very conditions of subjugation under which they lived
  • Testifying against a Muslim in court
  • Studying Islam - thus keeping them ignorant of its teachings
  • Cursing a Muslim
  • Raising a hand against a Muslim, even in self-defense, on pain of having it amputated
  • Displaying their religious symbols

These are only a sample of the Conditions, chosen to highlight why they are relevant today — which I will come to later. There were geographical and historical variants on the Conditions but they all held to the same theme — the humiliation and subjugation of non-Muslims and the maintenance of multiple forms of discrimination against them.

The Conditions also worked in conjunction with each other. For example, if a Muslim accused a Christian of a capital offence, such as trying to convert a Muslim, the Christians’ own testimony was not valid in their defence.

Dhimmis were ‘protected’ as long as they met the Conditions. If a dhimmi community (or any member of it) broke the Conditions it was the duty of the local Muslim community to restart the jihad against them.

A key outcome of this scenario is the desire of non-Muslims to avoid confrontations with Muslims and to police one another to prevent deviant individuals destroying the ‘protection’ of the Conditions.

Pakistan is a Muslim country where the Conditions of Omar are operating to some degree today. In March 2013, because one Christian was accused of blasphemy, some 3,000 Muslims attacked the Christian Joseph Colony of Lahore, burning two churches and 160 Christian homes.

In 2009 in Gojra, eight Christians were burned alive, 100 houses looted and 50 homes set ablaze after another blasphemy accusation.

We can see why dhimmis live in a state of perpetual concern for the potential impact of their personal actions on their whole community.

May 5th 2014, Bangladesh, a 3,000 strong Muslim mob attacked Hindu households and a temple after two youths were alleged to have slandered the ‘prophet’ Muhammad on Facebook.

These are just a few examples to show how the Conditions are applied in practise and that they are still active today. Islam as a body of belief has never discarded them and never will because, realistically, it can’t. You can read many more examples of the Conditions in action today if you look up Raymond Ibrahim’s Bulletin of Christian Persecution online. His book, "Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christianity" is also very informative.

You might like to believe that the application of Islamic law or Sharia is receding. It isn’t. Over the last 60 years Sharia worldwide has been extending and intensifying. See here.

And that brings us to the here and now.

Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries have brought Sharia with them. The Conditions of Omar are simply a subset of Sharia which sets out how Muslims should deal with non-Muslims under conquest.

You might well say that what Muslims do to Hindus or Christians or other non-Muslims in Bangladesh or Pakistan is none of our business. That is called the death of conscience.

You might well say that we have not been conquered. That is only partly true. A process of conquest is underway.

The Conditions of Omar are being established today right under our noses. They may not be coming about because we are under occupation but they are being established as norms of behaviour. Sometimes we are imposing the Conditions on ourselves as a gesture of goodwill or to prevent discrimination; sometimes we are imposing them due to fear of jihad terrorism or angry rioting; sometimes they are established by default.

One of the subtle ways we are surrendering to the Conditions is by policing what non-Muslims can say about Islam and Muslims. See this example.

Anyone living among Muslims today knows that being openly critical of Islam or Muhammad is risky. Plenty of examples have set the precedent: in 2004 Theo van Gogh was murdered for making a film critical of Islamic attitudes to women; in 1989 Salman Rushdie was forced into hiding after writing The Satanic Verses, his Japanese translator was murdered; in 2004 the Danish cartoons episode erupted in which 162 people around the world were killed during protests, again demonstrating how some Muslims will kill people totally unrelated to the ‘offence'.

These are a small selection but they point to two clear principles: (1) the author of something considered critical of Islam is liable to be killed; (2) anyone can be killed in revenge against the non-Muslim world. Both of these conform to rules set out in the Conditions.

As a result of such actions and threats most publications refused to print the cartoons. Public figures came to the defence of a religion they knew nothing about. Those seeking to rock the boat further by printing the cartoons became the targets of the condemnation of their fellow non-Muslims rather than the Muslims threatening violence.

Again, this conforms to the Conditions and the behaviour of dhimmi populations who feel vulnerable and threatened. The dhimmi populations turn to self-policing in order to prevent deviant individuals triggering violence from Muslims. This strategy buys into the idea that it is entirely up to non-Muslims to refrain from behaviour which upsets Muslims — a dhimmi outlook.

The principle has become established that non-Muslims should not confront Muslims about their behaviour or their beliefs. Only praise of Islam is allowed. This is submission – especially in view of the fact that Islamic beliefs call for the conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims.

In the UK and many European countries legal measures have also been put in place to suppress critical voices about Islam. The Race and Religious Hatred Act 2006 makes it an offence carrying a two year prison term for: “A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening... if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred.”

Now how do you prove intent here? Is trying to warn one’s fellow citizens about the divisive and supremacist nature of a religion the same as stirring up hatred against followers of that religion? If so, there is no way to reasonably warn against such a religion. And who would benefit from that? …Not the intended victims, obviously.

Make no mistake; this is happening around you now. Paul Weston, a prospective Member of the European Parliament, was arrested outside the Guildhall, Winchester on April 26th 2014 for quoting Winston Churchill’s damning assessment of Islam. He was charged under the terms of the Race and Religious Hatred Act 2006 for racially and religiously aggravated harassment.

The incident described above is yet another example of the dhimmi relationship in action. Behind all the waffle about discrimination and protecting minorities there is something which explains all the rationalisation taking place: fear. Fear of Muslim violence directed at anyone and everyone for offences against Islam.
You will find the word ‘Islamophobia’ used to describe those who are critical of Islam. What does it mean?

It doesn’t really mean anything; it’s designed as an intimidating word to enforce dhimmi behaviour. It carries a cocktail of messages which have certain key aims:

  • Phobia suggests an irrational and exaggerated fear with no basis in reality. Fear is a negative reaction and under the Conditions only praise for Islam is allowed
  • The word also suggests dislike or hatred of Islam. This is also a negative reaction and under the Conditions only praise for Islam is allowed
  • Thus if you are positive about Islam you are a good person; but if you are negative about Islam you are a bad person. This creates a reluctance to find out more about Islam and discover what you really think about it. This fosters ignorance of Islam which is another requirement of dhimmis under the Conditions

I have tried to give you some understanding of what the Conditions of Omar are, how they are applied in Muslim controlled countries, and how they are being established in non-Muslim countries.

Why on earth should you enjoy the Conditions of Omar?

Given the reluctance of most people to face anything unpleasant, the invitation to enjoy is simply an enticement to get your attention. But it is also more than this.

The 20th century Muslim theorist Syed Qtub said that the only freedom that should be supported was the ‘freedom’ to choose Islam. Non-Muslims under the Conditions of Omar would be gradually stripped of their freedoms so that they were left with only one: the freedom to choose Islam. He said, with a completely straight face, that non-Muslims should enjoy this erosion of their freedoms.

Also, in today’s climate only praise of Islam is allowed. The statement is an expression of what it seeks to change. It’s meant ironically.

The statement is also designed to arouse your curiosity but to do so in a way that cannot be construed as ‘hate speech’. It is positive in mood, though the irony becomes clear later. It is in itself inoffensive but it carries an important message.

In accordance with the Conditions, your ignorance of Islam is required. In today’s world ignorance and silence about Islam are both forms of submission. ‘Dumb’ is a word that encapsulates both ignorance and silence. We are being made dumb and submissive.

The Conditions create a system of gradual enslavement and what the system most needs to succeed right now is your ignorance and silence about Islam.

Finally, you can enjoy the Conditions of Omar by resisting them. Open your eyes to where we are and accept that this is your place in history and do what is right. Many of those in the Greatest Generation who fought Nazism felt it was the best part of their lives. All non-Muslims now have the opportunity to fight for their cultures and their civilisations.

Fighting great evils puts us in a different moral space; we learn more about real human values like courage, truth, and goodness. By standing up to barbarism in defence of higher values we become minor heroes.

Even now, when Muslims are unleashing huge persecution against Christians and other non-Muslims, there is a reticence and dread of offending. There is a posture of apologising and appeasement, of trying to identify what it is in ourselves that is displeasing. All the while the driving force of jihad is ignored.

In the face of such obvious evil, is wearing a badge saying “Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar” too much to ask? By so doing you will act as a signpost that directs others to this webpage.

For your badge you can use our online SHOP or you can right click on the image above and select "Save image as" and save it to a location on your computer. You can then send it to any online maker of button badges. If you have the equipment you can even make them yourself.

So, what's the point?
  • To spread the word about Islam's stance towards non-Muslims. Most non-Muslims are hopelessly ignorant of the Islamic worldview. They mistakenly assume that it shares the characteristics of other religions. Where they are generally positive about religion they assume that Islam must be a force for good. Where they are negative about religion they assume it is no worse or better than any other religion.
  • To open people's eyes to the prison being erected around them. A climate has already been established in which opposition to Islam is framed as a crime. Sharia prohibitions against criticism of Islam and Muslims may not yet be directly applied but they are already indirectly applied by bogus "hate crimes"; "racism" — which is completely absurd since Islam is not a race and opposition to it cannot therefore be racist; and "Islamophobia" which is already gaining currency as a moral offence even though nobody can define it.
  • To raise awareness that the Sharia prohibitions against non-Muslims defending themselves against Islam and Muslims are already being implemented. Criticism and mockery of Islam are forms of self-defence in today's circumstances but people have lost their jobs or been imprisoned as a result of their opposition to Islam and Sharia. This is a less draconian parallel to having one's hand amputated since one's livelihood is cut off.
  • To raise awareness that an oppressive silence has taken hold; a silence that is the fruit of ignorance maintained by fear. There are plenty of things we could wear on a badge or T-shirt but would we get away with it? How about this: "Don't be fooled by Islam — Jihadwatch" or "Don't let Islam ruin your day." Apart from the problem of aggressive responses there's the problem that any statement of this type is seen as "hate" (an abstract thing which apparently is always bad) and the wearer's credibility is downgraded. Whatever he/she is saying is effectively locked behind an invisible wall of emotional fallacies. "Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar" teases the viewer's curiosity in a non-threatening way.
  • And lastly, there is only one thing left to say to those who refuse to heed the warning: Enjoy the conditions of Omar.

Resources to help you

Your first battle is to reduce your own ignorance and to clear a path through all the misinformation being spread to mislead you. You can do this very easily by studying the many good resources available to you online. Here are a few: has many informative articles and analyses of Islamic doctrine, history, contemporary issues, as well as primers for the novice. has lots of resources on primary Islamic doctrine and the teachings of Muhammad. gives insight into the Islamic justifications for current events including terrorism, persecution, and subversion.


Mark Durie – The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude, and Freedom. This will help you understand the worldview created by Islam, the way Islamic doctrine works as a comprehensive system, and how it has affected non-Muslims throughout its 1400 year history

Robert Spencer – The Truth about Muhammad. This will help you understand the character of Islam’s founder and how Islam itself so closely reflects his character.

Read the Koran. You will soon get to see the tenor of it, with its constant denunciations of nonbelievers and the terrors awaiting them.

The Centre for the Study of Political Islam has a series of books that are particularly helpful.

Raymond Ibrahim – Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christianity.

Read the biography of Muhammad known as the Sira. This will show you what the primary Islamic sources say about the ‘perfect model of conduct’.

Once you have attended to your own ignorance your next battle is to break the great silence in whatever way you can. If all you feel able to do is wear a badge saying “Enjoy The Conditions Of Omar” that is a lot more than most of your sleeping contemporaries, and it will point more people to the truth about Islam and its project of universal submission.

Get yourself a badge or tee shirt with the design on it here: Conditions of Omar shop.


Using the Principle of Social Proof to Marginalize, Discredit, and Disempower Orthodox Islam


Social proof is one of six "weapons of influence" from the book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. When people are uncertain about how to respond, the principle of "social proof" says that usually people will look around and see what others are doing and do the same.

If you see two people have signed a petition, statistically, you will be less willing to sign it than if you see a million people have already signed it — especially if you aren't sure of the merits of the proposition.

If you saw a single protester on the street, would you pay much attention to him? But what if both sides of the street were filled with protesters? Wouldn't it make you more curious about what they were protesting? This is the principle of social proof.

A just read a good example of social proof in the book, The New Concise History of the Crusades. The crusaders were trying to capture the great walled city of Constantinople, but they were outnumbered and the city was well defended. But by luck, the crusaders made a hole in a back gate to the city, and one crusader climbed through the hole to find himself face-to-face with enemy soldiers. The lone crusader boldly drew his sword and ran toward the group of enemy soldiers. They turned and ran! Other soldiers inside the walled city saw their fellow soldiers fleeing from something (they knew not what), and they abandoned their posts and fled too. This panic spread throughout the city.

Amazingly, the crusaders who came through the hole walked over and opened the city gates. There were no soldiers inside the gate left to stop them. They easily captured the city — one of the largest and most well-built walled cities in the world. How? Because of the principle of social proof. Once a few soldiers were seen fleeing, other soldiers didn't know what to do. So they did what others were doing, and the more people who did it, the more it seemed like the thing to do. (Read the whole story here.) Social proof is a powerful principle of influence.

We can use this principle in many ways to marginalize, discredit, and disempower orthodox Islam. For example, when you find a good petition, you can encourage your friends to sign it. They will see that many other people have deemed it worthy of signing, and that will help them accept the information. Because of the principle of social proof, that information will be considered more valid. Without any pressure from anyone else, this seedling of validity can evolve into their personal belief.

You can use this principle in personal conversations, too. Think about it for a moment — are you likely to listen to someone who seems to be the only one who thinks that way? Or would you be more open to hearing what millions of people believe it?

We need to think about this when we're telling people about Islamic supremacism and the third jihad. When you talk to people and you imply that "nobody knows this," or that all the mainstream media is crazy, or in any way imply that you are the only one who knows The Truth, you automatically prevent people from listening. Their guard goes up. You have made the social proof principle work against you.

Instead, you need to let your listener know that a lot of people think this way. If you can add authority to these other people, so much the better (authority is another of the six principles). Let your listener know movies have been made about it, hundreds of books have been written about it, and millions of people are trying to do something about it around the world. This social proof will give weight to what you say and help awaken people to the situation, and that's what we need right now more than anything.


Orthodox Muslims Use a Schoolyard Bully's Technique


When a bully wants to pick a fight with someone, what does he do? He could just come up and hit his victim. But usually that's not what happens. More likely, a bully will call him names, insult his mother, insult his manhood, "accidentally" knock his books out of his hands, trip him, embarrass him — a bully will do anything and everything he can think of to get a rise out of his victim — and then when the victim tries to defend himself, he uses the victim's hostility as an excuse to beat him up.

He puts his victim in a painful double-bind. If he stays silent or runs away, he is publicly humiliated. If he fights to defend himself, he risks losing his teeth and getting expelled from school for being a troublemaker.

This is the same double-bind technique used by orthodox Muslims since the time of Mohammad.

In Mecca, even before Mohammad had a huge, well-armed following, he provoked others in the city, criticizing them in public. They responded by criticizing Mohammad and Islam, which Mohammad said was an attack on the one true religion — an attack that must be defended.

While he was in Mecca, Mohammad was protected by his uncle, a powerful and influential elder, so his detractors didn't go too far. But when Mohammad's uncle died, the Meccans basically threw Mohammad out of their town. Mecca was known far and wide for its religious tolerance, but what can you do with someone who is so intolerant of everyone else's religion?

Later Mohammad attacked the caravans of Mecca, killing the camel drivers and carrying off the booty, which he justified because the Meccans had censored him and rejected Allah. In other words, they had "attacked" Islam, and Mohammad was merely avenging Allah and defending Islam. He eventually used the same justification for attacking and capturing the entire city of Mecca.

So let's look at the big picture here. Mohammad provoked the Meccans, antagonized them, called them names, embarrassed them, defamed their religions, and when they tried to defend their religions, he used their defensive hostility as an excuse to beat them up.

Every devout Muslim knows he should follow Mohammad's example, so we see Islamic supremacists doing the very same thing today.

Orthodox Muslims try to spread Islam. When anyone tries to hinder Islam's aggressive encroachment, Muslims consider it an "attack" on the one true religion, and "defend" the attack. It's schoolyard bullies on a bigger scale.

So what's the solution? What's the best way to deal with bullies? Either you need an authority to intervene — an authority with enough power to enforce their authority — or you need to have a strong enough deterrent so the bully doesn't want to mess with you. If you are carrying a baseball bat in one of your hands, for example, a bully is not likely to knock the books out of your other hand.

A willingness to use force will often deter a bully. But you had better not be bluffing. As Lee Harris said, "In a world full of bluffers, the ruthless will rule." Someone will eventually call your bluff and then they will really bully you.

Of course, dealing with orthodox Muslims, part of this "willingness to use force" means military force. But there are many ways to use force. Here are some examples:

A group of orthodox Muslims tried to intimidate people into silence with lawsuits. They were served with a lawsuit by the people at Mapping Sharia.

Orthodox Muslims have organized and lobbied, and they exert a strong influence on politicians who are afraid of offending such an organized lobby. ACT! For America has organized to defeat them.

Orthodox Muslims rioted and violently tried to intimidate newspapers. But some defied them, and the more newspapers and bloggers that defied them, the more the violence defeated its own purpose by promoting defiance to their suppression.

When we can see what orthodox Muslims are doing as simple bullying, the solution to the problem becomes clear and even obvious. We do not need appeasement, bluffing, or propitiation because those will only encourage the bullies. We need strength, unity, firmness, and a willingness to use force if necessary.

Here is a list of things you can do to exert strength, to help unify non-Muslims, to act with firmness, and to wield force in the fight against Islamic supremacism: What Non-Muslims Can Do About Islam


Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.


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